Functional and Secure Skylight
Adopt style and energy efficiency in your home with a glass skylight. It’s quite more functional than the conventional glass windows, allowing light to enter every nook and corner of the house.
They are the perfect solution for enhancing both the exterior and interior of your placBesideside being appealing to the eyes, skylights are a great source for getting natural light. The intensity energy efficiency can be analyzed by the fact that skylights can improve the UV ingress up to 88% in the summers, and conserve the warmth in the winters. These revolutionary ventilation options come in different shapes and styles.
Why Glassified?
Whether you are thinking about installing clear or opaque skylights or even tinted or wired, Glassified is the right place to be at. Our skylights are manufactured using tempered, laminated, and double glazed. The processed glass of the skylight resists up to 300C, ensures 100 times more security and is 5 times tougher. The lamination also provides sound insulation, keeping all the unwanted noise out of your space.
Remember, no matter how strong the skylight is, a badly fitted one can cause the heat loss and cooling loss. For the perfect installation of a skylight, hire the experts. So what’s the wait about? Get a quote from Glassified.